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Walden International :: Home Walden International is an established global venture capital firm.
www.waldenintl.com - 2020-11-1 详细 创业工场 - VenturesLab - We Build Great www.ventureslab.com - 2020-4-22 详细 华创资本 | China Growth Capital 华创资本是中国顶级的早期投资机构,为创业者提供初创期的风险投资,业务以中国市场为主,兼顾美国硅谷。自2006年成立伊始,华创资本一直专注于新金融、新实业、新消费领域的早期投资。
www.cgcvc.com - 2020-4-22 详细 DHVC | Venture Capital | United States DHVC is a venture capital firm based in Palo Alto, California, that invests in Enterprise, Consumer, FinTech, and Healthcare companies.
www.danhuacap.com - 2020-4-18 详细 Investing in People | Gobi Gobi manages six funds, and has grown to seven offices across China, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore. We focus on early stage, IT and digital media companies in China and Southe
www.gobivc.com - 2020-4-12 详细 China Adventure Tours www.chinadventuretours.com - 2020-1-18 详细