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Walnut Tank _ Brake Tank _ Additive Tank Guangzhou Yingli Packaging Products Co. Ltd. is located in Zengcheng, Guangzhou and has a modern factory building of 5,000 square meters. The companys products are used in ma
www.yinglibz.com - 2021-9-7 详细 中国金属网 metal,metals,有色金属,行情,投资,中国金属,铜,铝,铅,锌,镍,不锈钢,铁合金,锡,金,银,铂,钯,镁,钨,钼,锑,钛,钴,铅锌,基本金属,小金属,贵金属,钢铁
www.metalchina.com - 2020-1-18 详细 迈科技MetaLab 迈科技MetaLab-中国领先的产业与技术对接平台,迈科技专注于整合应用型技术团队及技术解决方案,方案包括且不限于专利、配方、样机、产品、工程项目、整套集成方案等,以服务企业在非核心研发外包、创新研发、技术升..
www.maikeji.cn - 2016-5-20 详细 CHENGCHUANG INDUSTRIAL LIMITED n ISO 9001 manufacturer, producer in China specializing in the global supply of Good, high quality, low price, low cost OEM Metal parts,
www.cnc-machinings.org - 2015-1-12 详细 桂林旺锦 GloryHanger Co.,Ltd. Guilin GloryHanger Co.,Ltd. has been working in hangers industry for over 10 years. Our products cover: excellent wooden hangers, metal hangers, satin hangers, velvet hangers, bamboo hangers, etc.
www.gloryhanger.com - 2014-7-24 详细 JINGHAN SWITCH ELECTRONIC CO.,LTD manufacture of rocker switch,Pusbutton switch,metal push button switch and so on switches
www.jhswitch.com - 2013-6-7 详细 安平美泰诗五金制品厂 我们主要生产开发铁丝,金属钉子,刺绳刺网,钢格板丝网,电焊丝网,不锈钢丝网,轧花网,勾花网,钢板网,六角丝网,黑丝布,冲孔网,护栏网,输送带网,堤坡防护网,石油用丝网,建筑网片,矿筛网,过滤网,烧烤网..
metalmeshes.com - 2012-5-9 详细 佛山市通宝华龙控制器有限公司 fstb,bimetal thermostat,pressure thermostat,snap action thermostat,liquid expansion thermostat-FOSHAN TONGBAO Co., Ltd.
www.thermostat-gb.com - 2012-2-22 详细 china wooden toys manufacturer china leading wooden toys ,educational toys,metal crafts manufacturer
www.chinawoodentoys.tk - 2011-5-8 详细 Jiaxing Shimao Metalworks Co., Ltd. We are professional china spring nut manufacturer and factory in China. We can produce china spring nut according to your requirements.
www.jxxsm.com - 2011-4-13 详细 1