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BYD - Innovation for a Better Life BYD
www.byd.com.cn - 2021-6-4 详细 IEEE Standards University | Innovation IEEE Standards University is the leading standards education platform for resources on technical standards and standardization: Find courses, videos, workshops and more!
www.standardsuniversity.org - 2019-12-15 详细 西安杨森制药有限公司 One of the first pharmaceutical joint ventures in China;Making a difference in Chinese people’s lives
www.xian-janssen.com.cn - 2019-8-17 详细 A9.com A9.com helps people find what they want on the world leading e-commerce sites.
www.a9.com - 2009-12-11 详细 创新工场 创新工场是一个全方位的创业平台,旨在培育创新人才和新一代高科技企业。
www.innovation-works.com - 2009-9-18 详细