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Fashion Incubation Programme The Fashion Incubation Programme (FIP) is a two-year programme dedicated to inspiring, empowering and supporting emerging fashion designers and brands.
www.hkfip.org - 2024-3-4 详细 Design Incubation Programme | Hong Kong www.hkdesignincubation.org - 2024-3-4 详细 娇兰佳人Gialen-化妆品零售连锁先锋 娇兰佳人Gialen化妆品零售连锁,经营覆盖彩妆、护肤品、面膜、身体护理品、美发护理品、男士护理品、化妆工具、时尚生活用品八大品类,门店荟萃了玛丽黛佳、美宝莲、百雀羚、玉兰油、一叶子等国内外大众知名品牌
www.gialen.com - 2021-9-13 详细 WOMA Anine Toys Co,Ltd WOMA Anine Toys Co,Ltd-WOMA Anine Toys Co,Ltd,the headquarters of company is located in the "Toys capital of China" CHENGHAI, which is entity enterpris
www.woma.cc - 2021-8-19 详细 ImbaTV - 官网首页 imbaTV官方站点,提供IMBATV官方主办的i联赛赛事直播,赛事回看以及聚合的游戏资讯。
www.imbatv.cn - 2021-8-18 详细 金山电池医生Battery Doctor(iPhone/iPod/i 您是否经常遇到电池电量不够用?您是否经常为如何延长电池寿命所困扰?这些问题交给金山电池医生帮您解决。这款必备的电池维护应用程序整合了所有必要的电池功能,提供了全功能的电池维护及保养技巧。是目前在App St..
www.ishengdian.cn - 2020-1-17 详细 超然塑胶包装制品(深圳)有限公司 超然公司是一家专业生产PBAT购物袋,PBAT生鲜袋,PBAT快递袋,PBAT垃圾袋的专业生产厂家,产品符合国家标准,符合欧盟EN-13432,欢迎来电咨询了解,电话13760126896
www.pbat123.com - 2018-4-6 详细 concrete mixing plant Talented SKY is located in Qingdao China, which is an enterprise commits to R&D, production, sales and service of the construction equipment. With more than 15 years experiences.
www.talentedsky.com - 2017-2-23 详细 javascript脚本下载 脚本宝典是国内专业的网站安全、脚本编程、网站制作资源学习类网站,提供asp、php、asp.net、javascript、jquery、vbscript、dos批处理、网页制作、网络编程、网站建设等编程资料。
www.js-code.com - 2015-7-20 详细 Power Inverter manufacturer,PBP brand. PBP,Provide Best Power.We specialized inUPS,Inverter and Battery , Solar Charge Controller industry. Oline UPS ,, Solar Inverter Sealed lead Acid battery.
www.ups-oem.com - 2012-2-15 详细 1