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All-China Federation of Industry & Comme www.chinachamber.org.cn - 2019-12-5 详细 China Daily Website - Connecting China C Chinadaily.com.cn is the largest English portal in China, providing news, business information, BBS, learning materials. The Website has channels as China, BizChina, World, Opinion
www.chinadaily.com.cn - 2019-11-23 详细 香港分行_中國農業銀行 Agricultural Bank of China
www.hk.abchina.com - 2019-11-22 详细 China Construction Bank (Asia) www.asia.ccb.com - 2019-11-22 详细 中国电子商会│China electronics Chamber 中国电子商会于1988年成立,并在国家民政部登记注册。它是全国生产经营电子信息产品的单位及团体自愿组成的行业性社团组织,具有独立法人资格,业务上受工业和信息化部指导。中国电子商会在国内已有21个地方电子商会..
www.cecc.org.cn - 2019-11-18 详细 ASIFA-CHINA_ASIFA-CHINA ASIFA-CHINA
www.asifa.cn - 2019-11-10 详细 China Focus | A closer look at China China Focus is a new and exciting project from the China International Publishing Group (CIPG) and was established in 2018. We focus on major incidents and hot topics affecting Chi
www.cnfocus.com - 2019-11-9 详细 Foreign HR - Jobs for Foreign Nationals Jobs in China, professional jobs in China, teaching jobs in China, foreigner jobs in China.
www.foreignhr.com - 2019-11-4 详细 华润集团 华润(集团)有限公司是一家在香港注册和运营的多元化控股企业集团,其前身是1938年于香港成立的“联和行”,1948年改组更名为华润公司。2003年归属国务院国有资产监督管理委员会直接管理,被列为国有重点骨干企业。..
www.crc.com.hk - 2019-10-26 详细 DAAD China www.daad.org.cn - 2019-10-26 详细 7... 28