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中国科学院国家数学与交叉科学中心 (NCMIS) www.ncmis.cas.cn - 2019-10-26 详细 IAP - The InterAcademy Partnership The InterAcademy Partnership (IAP), was formally launched in South Africa in March 2016, bringing together established networks of academies of science, medicine and engineering, n
www.interacademies.net - 2019-10-26 详细 中国电子学会 中国电子学会(Chinese Institute of Electronics)成立于1962年,现拥有个人会员10万余人,团体会员600多个,专业分会49个,专家委员会13个,工作委员会9个,编委会1个。中国电子学会总部是工业和信息化部直属事业
www.cie-info.org.cn - 2019-10-26 详细 IAP - The InterAcademy Partnership The InterAcademy Partnership (IAP), was formally launched in South Africa in March 2016, bringing together established networks of academies of science, medicine and engineering, n
www.interacademycouncil.net - 2019-10-26 详细 IAP - The InterAcademy Partnership The InterAcademy Partnership (IAP), was formally launched in South Africa in March 2016, bringing together established networks of academies of science, medicine and engineering, n
www.interacademies.org - 2019-10-26 详细 The National Academies Press The National Academies Press (NAP) publishes authoritative reports issued by The National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM).
www.nap.edu - 2019-10-26 详细 NAE Website - Home The National Academy of Engineering (NAE) mission is to promote the technological welfare of the nation by marshaling the knowledge and insights of eminent memb
www.nae.edu - 2019-10-26 详细 National Academy of Sciences www.nasonline.org - 2019-10-26 详细 千享科技_公众号运营_新媒体运营_微信代运 深圳千享科技是一家多年来专注于网络营销推广、网站建设公司,专业提供品牌策划推广,网站seo优化,新媒体微信公众号代运营,新媒体运营,短视频抖音,vi视觉设计,SEM托管,当下最流行的小程序开发等多项互联网优质服务.服
www.1000-x.cn - 2019-10-25 详细 河南郑州icp许可证代办_郑州网络文化经营许 百万会计始于2009,为河南企业提供网络文化经营许可证(文网文)办理、转让,郑州icp许可证代办、EDI、sp、全网/地网呼叫中心许可证办理,咨询电话:0371-55965370,业务范围:郑州、开封、洛阳、平顶山、安阳、鹤壁..
www.baiwancaiwu.com - 2019-10-25 详细 208... 626