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新加坡教育网 新加坡教育网(www.iedu.sg)是由新加坡教育与考试服务中心主办、新加坡中国学者学生服务中心推荐的一站式新加坡教育权威资讯门户,主要发布新加坡各所公立与私立院校招生信息、新加坡O/A水准考试与AEIS国际学生入学考..
www.iedusg.com - 2019-12-18 详细 课窝教育 - 托福_雅思_AEIS_AEAS 课窝主要开设的课程包括托福、雅思、GRE、GMAT、SAT、ACT、AEIS、AEAS、大学英语四六级、日语、韩语等。以在线直播、在线测评、在线作业为主要形式,致力于为学生们提供以“测评-诊断-督导-强化”为基础的一站式全项..
www.kewo.com - 2019-12-18 详细 New Zealand Travel and New Zealand Busin Official site of New Zealand Tourism, Business, and Investment. Activities, tours, maps and accommodation to plan your New Zealand holiday. Find out about New Zealand made products
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www.austria.info - 2019-12-17 详细 Holidays in Sweden | Visit Sweden Swedens official travel and tourist information web site. Holiday information, images of Sweden. City breaks in Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malm枚.
www.visitsweden.com - 2019-12-17 详细 Ireland: Holidays in Ireland – Official www.ireland.com - 2019-12-17 详细 ENIT - Agenzia Nazionale del Turi www.enit.it - 2019-12-17 详细 202... 751