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Food Processing Machine Reliable manufacturer for food processing machinery, such as French fries machine, ice cream cone machine, cocoa powder machine.etc..
www.henangelgoogmachinery.com - 2019-6-5 详细 Food Processing Machinery Machineprices.com is one of business units of GELGOOG Company, which offers ice cream cones machine,peanut candy machine,nuts processing machine,etc.
www.machineprices.com - 2019-6-5 详细 French Fries Equipment Specialized in manufacturing French fries, potato chips, and banana chips machines
www.zccymachine.com - 2019-6-5 详细 新闻中心 | GE China GE China
newsroom.ge.com.cn - 2019-5-24 详细 华润集团 华润(集团)有限公司是一家在香港注册和运营的多元化控股企业集团,其前身是1938年于香港成立的“联和行”,1948年改组更名为华润公司。2003年归属国务院国有资产监督管理委员会直接管理,被列为国有重点骨干企业。..
www.crc.com.cn - 2019-5-23 详细 中国人民大学 | RENMIN UNIVERSITY of CHINA 中国人民大学官方网站,中国人民大学是中央部属高校,一所以人文社会科学为主,兼有部分理工学科的综合性研究型教育部直属全国重点大学。国家“211工程”和“985工程”重点
www.ruc.edu.cn - 2019-5-23 详细 china transmssion Belts China timing belts v belts, polyrethane timing belts
www.industrial-belt.com - 2019-3-15 详细 Henan GELGOOG Machinery Tell product details about gelgoog machinery
gelgooginc.en.alibaba.com - 2019-3-14 详细 Gelgoog Frying Machinery Company We supply advanced frying machine,french fries machine and other processing machine.
www.bestfrying.com - 2019-3-7 详细 Fruit Vegetable Longer Machinery Here we provide you fruit vegetable processing machines and production line to make produce easier and safer.
www.fruitmaking.com - 2019-3-7 详细 13... 48